Thursday, March 29, 2007

Have You Ever Seen a Seal Print?

Yesterday I was talking to a nice lady in Newfoundland (the easternmost province of Canada). She mentioned that she grows grapes. What! Grapes can grow on The Rock? In cloudy and cool Newfoundland? This did not make sense to me. However I went to her website (Dark Cove Cottage Farm and Winery) and sure enough, she grows beautiful grapes in a town called Gambo, which obviously has a nice climate. Along with many beautiful and charming pictures of Newfoundland her website had this great picture:
Seal prints

By the way, guess what kind of dogs she has? Check out her website to view the big boys.

I really enjoyed talking to Glenda.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Washington Post Article on Willows

Google Alert just sent me an email and it happened to include the link from the Washington Post where the article I mentioned is on the website. So here it is, if you want to read it. The picture is pretty blah though. The willow stems are pretty accurate in the picture in my last post.

Today is the first day that I can tell spring is coming. Water is running down our driveway and I get to partake in one of my favorite springtime activities - channeling the flow. I just love to make mini ditches with a stick and watch them catch the water and send it off in another direction.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Salix irrorata

I think I feel an urge to boast a little.

I do a website for a nursery that sells ornamental grasses and willows. I also answer email, etc. About two weeks ago Adrian Higgins from the Washington Post contacted the owner, wanting to do an article on willows and asked for a picture of one of the willows. I had taken this picture of Salix irrorata and on Thursday, Mar 1 it was published, along with a really nice write-up about willows and Bluestem Nursery. We have been flooded with orders ever since. It is absolutely amazing how many people have ordered cuttings of this willow!!

Salix irrorata

I looked for the article, so as to provide a link to it, but it appears to be already gone from the Washington Post website.

Bluestem Nursery also had a request from a company that makes plant tags. They wanted my picture of Salix pentandra. They actually paid me for it. Whoopeee!
