Saturday, May 06, 2006

Time for Some Pictures

I have still not purchased another camera, after mine was stolen in Costa Rica. But my son is here for a few days, with his camera. So I captured a few shots.

This is a sensational tulip I picked up last fall. This picture is a smidgen more yellow than it really is. Should be slightly more orange. It glows. I must get more. It is a kaufmanniana tulip called 'Donald Duck'. Another really gorgeous kaufmanniana is 'Stressa'. Huge blooms. I really like the short-stemmed tulips, preferring them to their more famous cousins.

In the background of the above photo is one of my favourite plants, Brunnera. For two months it has a sea of clear blue blooms floating above rich green foliage. Then the stems carrying the leaves need to be cleared out (it will self-seed) and huge hosta-like leaves take their place, similar to what Pulmonaria does. For those who have a problem with slugs, you could try Brunnera as a substitute.


Blogger roybe said...

What vivid blue flowers, great shot.

12:46 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Brunnera. I have it around my pond and it looks lovely. I am jealous of you. Mine is not blooming yet.

5:46 p.m.  
Blogger Muriel said...

I cannot understand why Brunnera isn't a much more commonly used plant, as it is so gorgeous a blue color (much prefer it to forget-me-knots), blooms with the daffodils and continues to bloom for 2 months! Slugs don't eat it and it looks great until frost.

Hanna in Cleveland, I thought you were having wonderfully warm weather over there. So I would expect yours would have been blooming for a long time.

9:42 a.m.  

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