Salix alba 'Britzensis'

What a gorgeous willow this is!! As long as it is coppiced (cut back to the ground) every year, it's new growth will be red. Or should I say that its new growth will turn red later in the season. Willows undergo some amazing changes as fall approaches. I will have to dig through my files and show more on this subject in another post.

This willow grows to about 7 or 8' every year and then gets cut back to ground level in the spring. That's all there is to it! Oh, then you have to enjoy it all winter. Tough job.
Well, it seems that in order to make this post look nice, I need to fill in this area. So I guess I will tell you a little more about this willow. It will grow to about 20' if left unpruned, but then it won't have as much new growth every year and therefore won't have the density of red branches.
Salix x Flame has pretty much the same color branches but is a couple of feet shorter. In the fall it also has spectacular yellow leaves contrasting the red stems. I doubt that I will ever forget the sight of the yellow and red S. Flame right next to the S. Britzensis with its leaves still green but its stems a bright red.
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