Sod Furniture
Today I discovered a site called StumbleUpon. After I downloaded the toolbar I now have, just a click away, a never-ending supply of websites on the subjects I have checked off. We are also encouraged to rate and submit sites. Its a little faster than using a search engine, and there is the happy element of surprise. Of course the downside is that you don't get anything else done!!

from The Farm Show website
As I was stumbling around I found an interesting site about a new magazine in the UK, which yielded this article about lawn furniture and how to make it. Now this isn't the kind of furniture you buy and place on your lawn, rather this is made out of turf!! Check out the article. They call is a grass pouffe. Others call it sod furniture, organic furniture, or grass furniture. I guess it would be a bit of a pain to mow/clip, but it sure looks a great conversation piece!! More instructions here.

The article was written by Greg Tate. A quick trip to his website revealed these stunning creations pictured above.

As I was stumbling around I found an interesting site about a new magazine in the UK, which yielded this article about lawn furniture and how to make it. Now this isn't the kind of furniture you buy and place on your lawn, rather this is made out of turf!! Check out the article. They call is a grass pouffe. Others call it sod furniture, organic furniture, or grass furniture. I guess it would be a bit of a pain to mow/clip, but it sure looks a great conversation piece!! More instructions here.

The article was written by Greg Tate. A quick trip to his website revealed these stunning creations pictured above.