Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cacti at the Majorelle Gardens in Marrakesh

Right after the pond and fountain there was a cactus garden. Rather unexpected after the relative lushness of the rest of the garden. However Morocco is not a lush country, so I should not have been surprised.

Too bad I couldn't have put something next to this monster to show the scale. If memory serves me correctly, it was about 5-6' across.

I bet you can guess why I took a pic of this cactus!

It was closing time and we were being kicked out, but I grabbed a quick shot of this wrinkly one.

When I stopped to take a pic of this one, my daughter suggested it would be better from a slightly different angle. So I handed the camera to her and she took the second shot. I can't decide which is more interesting, so why not include both!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

He has a green thumb!

My son has succeeded in growing basil and thyme in his apt in Baku in Azerbaijan. I mailed the seeds around March 15, and they took 4-5 weeks to reach him. I started some basil seeds myself soon after I mailed the seeds to him, but mine are nowhere near as big. He said that his just took off.

You have to give him credit for coming up with containers, however I will have to mention the apparent lack of drainage, at least in the upside down ones.

It also looks like he is growing these indoors, rather than on his balcony. I have so many questions to ask him....

Sunday, July 06, 2008

More Colour from the Majorelle Gardens

I believe that the first three pics below are of windows on the building that houses the Museum of Islamic Art. We didn't go in, as it was almost closing time.

my daughter